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University projects w/ deep learning

In this document, I showcase several deep learning/machine learning projects that I completed during my time as a university student. These projects cover a variety of applications in natural language processing, computer vision, and generative modeling.

Method for People Counting From Image Sequence

My BSc thesis. I located people in a single image using the tinyface detector (it was clearly the best of all methods we observed (at that time)) and then devel- oped an algorithm that created trajectories and followed/counted people from frame to frame in a video. Thanks to Nikola Banić for his guidance while i was working on this.

Music genre classification from lyrics

We had a dataset composed of 250k song lyrics and their respective genres. The part I worked on was creating a tfidf weighted fasttext vector from the top 10 ranked words in the song, and then finding the best classification algorithm. To no one’s surprise, it was XGBoost

Pix2pixGAN for generating facial expressions

We trained a pix2pix GAN. The dataset had neutral facial expression image, an image with some emotion, and the corresponding emotion vector, the results were surprisingly good. Network inputs were: face image with neutral expression + emotion encoded in a vector output: face image with drawn emotion

Retinal fluid segmentation using 2D U-net

This was done as my graduate project, the dataset I had was the same one used in the Retouch Challenge. Experimented with different/new loss functions and observed how the end result changes with respect to the loss function with interesting results

Using ESRGAN for achieving superresolution

A seminar on GANs and how they could be used for superresolution in images, and various difficulties the traditional approach had in achieving superresolution. I’m a big fan of how GANs work for superresolution.